Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bowling (on a Bum Wrist) at Big Al’s and the Lost Mouse

Last night my right wrist suddenly started hurting fiercely. If I hold it still, it is okay, but I cannot bend it forward or backward. I have had heat on it all last night and this morning – it seems to be better when the heat is on it.

This morning I had a three hour seminar at Big Al's bowling alley – the seminar was followed by a free lunch and free bowling. I was bummed that I was not going to be able to bowl, but accepted it.

Upon arrival at the seminar I learned that the door prize was going to be a top-of-the-line 3D Space mouse with a $300 value. I wanted that mouse bad. With about 20 engineers in attendance, my odds of winning the mouse were not too bad. At the end of the seminar, however, I was heartbroken when we were informed that the mouse would go to the person bowling the highest score! Not willing to give my mouse up so easily, I found a 13 pound ball that I could get my fingers into . . . I could lift it with not much of an issue. I ended up bowling 2 games on my damaged wrist. I scored an 82 and a 96. But I bowled. Being a group of 20 engineers, the winner of the mouse only bowled in the 150s, I believe.

My wrist still hurts. I think the activity actually helped; it's better than it was this morning, but it still hurts.

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