Alex got his first egg!!! He was taking care of his chickens today and saw this little egg right there where it's supposed to be . . . in the nest box area. It's odd that the chickens knew where to lay the egg because we had not actually built a BOX yet, and had not put straw there. In fact, we bought straw today to line the area with.
The egg is a little small, but has a good light brown shell. It appears that it will be very edible . . . when Alex eats it, I'll blog whether he gets sick or not.
After finding the egg, we moved the chicken tractor - while Alex was watching to make sure I didn't run over a chicken, I ran over a chicken's foot. Spot (the smaller chicken) got a leg caught under one end of the chicken tractor, and skinned a small area. She seems okay, and we sprayed the foot with Lanacane - I'm sure she'll be fine.
We then let the birds run for a while. We found out that the duck CAN fly if it gets a running start - as Alex and I were trying to catch it, we had to push it out of the air about 5 feet up. Once we caught it, we clipped its wings and put it in the canoe, which had collected several inches of rain water. The duck LOVED it in there.
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