Noel recorded much of the Lewis River music at the Marathon, and has loaded some if it on YouTube.
Please, no comments about the hat. The day before the Marathon, I had received a bad sunburn, and was not about to make it worse. You can't tell in the video, but I even had my collar turned up for much of the day. Still, after watching these videos, I'm going to throw the hat away.
The first song is Bill Bailey. As you watch this, please realize that this was literally the first song we played that day. It was 6:45 AM; we were all very tired and very cold. And we had not warmed up our instruments.
Next is Clarinet Marmalade. By now, we had warmed up, so I won't make any more excuses. This is not my favorite song.
Finally, Sweet Georgia Brown. This IS a song I like.
Clarinet Marmalade and Sweet Georgia Brown are the same arrangements that are also played by Mudtown Stompers.
I believe Noel may have recorded more. If he puts them on the 'net, I'll put a link to them on here.
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